Predict whether Fe3+ can oxidize I- to I 2 under standard-state conditions
Expert's answer
The appropriate half-reactions are I2(s) + 2e− → 2I−(aq) Eanode = 0.53V Fe3+(aq) + e− → Fe2+(aq) Ecathode = 0.77 V Since Fe3+/Fe2+ is more positive, it should oxidize I– to I2. This makes the I2/I– half-reaction the anode. The standard emf can be found Ecell = Ecathode − Eanode = 0.77 V − 0.53 V = 0.24 V
Dear Bodacious Bonds! Thank you for adding new information.
Bodacious Bonds
09.11.15, 06:10
The question was never explicitly answered. It should be stated that
because E(cell) is positive this DOES indeed favor the forward
reaction of Fe3+ oxidizing I2 to I-.
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Dear Bodacious Bonds! Thank you for adding new information.
The question was never explicitly answered. It should be stated that because E(cell) is positive this DOES indeed favor the forward reaction of Fe3+ oxidizing I2 to I-.
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