The above diagram shows the phase diagram of water
The water system consists of three phases-
Since H2O is the only chemical compound involved.
Therefore it is single or one component system.
From phase rule, when c=1;
ie the degree of freedom depends on the number of phase present at equilibrium
The three different cases are possible:
1)P=1;F=2 (bivariant system)
2) P=2;F=1 (univariant system)
3) P=3;F=0 (invariant system)
From above,it is clear that for any one component system, the maximum number of degrees of freedom is two
Such a system can be represented completely by a two dimensional diagram.
The most convenient variables are the pressure and temperature.
1) OC Ice & Water
2) OA Water & Vapor F=1−2+2=1
3) OB Ice and Vapor (univariant)
Metastable Curve:
A) Ice & Water F=1−2+2=1 (univariant)
i)Curve OA−: It is vaporization curve. The curve OA terminates at A.Its critical point is 218 atm. & temperature is 374∘c.It represents vapor pressure of liquid at different temperatures.
Two phases water & water vapors consists coexist in equilibrium along the curve p=2,c=1.
.....F=C−P+2=1−2+2=1 ..... univariant
Vapor pressure is 1 atm. The corresponding temperature in degree centigrade is the Boiling point of water i.e.1000C.
ii).Curve OB−: It is sublimation curve. The curve OB terminates at B, the absolute zero -2730C temperature. It shows vapor pressure of solid ice at different temperature.
The two phase's solid-ice & water-vapor coexist in equilibrium.
.....F=1 & system is monovariant.
iii).Curve OC−: It is Fusion curve.
The curve OC terminates at C, the critical pressure.
The two phase's solid-ice & liquid-water coexist in equilibrium. The curve indicates melting point of Ice decreases with increases in pressure. At one atm. Line meets the curve at 00C. ....F=1 & system is monovariant.
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