The substance Terylene is obtained by the condensation polymerization of benzene-1, 4-dioc acid and ethane-1, 2-diol.
In not more than two steps, give the equation with reagents and reaction condtions for the conversion of ethane to ethan-1, 2-diol.
Write the formula of the polymer that is obtained in the condensation reaction.
"1. \\ \\ \\ C_2H_6 \\ \\ \\ \\underrightarrow{\\ Br_2, \\ Sunlight, Alcoholic\\ KOH \\ }\\ \\ CH_2=CH_2"
"CH_2 = CH_2\\ \\ \\underrightarrow{\\ KmnO_4, \\ OH, \\ cold \\ H_2O\\ } \\ \\ CH_2(OH)_2"
"2. \\ \\ \\ \\ C_6H_4(COOH)_2 + CH_2(OH)_2 \\longrightarrow (C_{10}H_8O_4) _n"
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