(5+x)g of Hydrogen, Ymol. Of Neon, Pmol. Of Argon and 20g of Helium were mixed together and the total pressure Exerted by the mixture was found to be 800mmHg. Given that the partial pressure of Hydogen, Helium, Argon and Ne are ZmmHg, 1000mmHg, QmmHg and 2400mmHg respectively, determine the value of Y, P, Z and Q
Calculate the mass (in grams) of 10 trillion silver atoms
In analytical process, the efficiency at each step is 90%. A chemist is analyzing a sample
for Nickel using DMG. He follows these steps: dissolution, precipitation, filtration, drying
and weighing. If he starts with 1000 ppm of Nickel sample. Write down the steps and yield
at end of reaction. (M.W. (Ni = 58.7g; DMG = 116g, d= 1.37g/cc)
State the periodic law of an element