a) There are three compounds (A, B & C) with the formula CrCl3.6H2O. A is violet in colour; when an aqueous solution of A is treated with
AgNO , 3 moles of AgCI per mole of A are produced; A doesn’t lose any water in a desiccator.
B is grey-green in colour; when an aqueous solution of B is treated with AgNO3, it produces 2 moles of AgCl per mole of B; one mole of B loses one mole of water when kept in a desiccator.
C is deep green in colour; when an aqueous solution of C is treated with AgNO3, 3 moles of AgCl per mole of C are produced; one mole of C loses two moles of water when kept in a desiccator.
Identify A, B and C and state what type of isomerism these compounds exhibit.
b) Draw the d-orbital splitting diagram for [Fe(CN)6]-2 and state whether it is
a high-spin or low-spin complex. How would you confirm this
) Draw the structure of [Ni(CN)4]2-, showing the stereochemistry. Use crystal field splitting arguments to explain your answer.
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