3. a) Explain the reason for the variation of the first ionization energies of the third period elements. (4) b) Calculate the lattice energy (in Units kJ mol1 ) for ZnO crystal using Eq. 3.4 based on electrostatic model and using a Born-Haber cycle. Compare the two answers and comment on any difference. Useful data: Medelung constant (A) = 1.6411 Born Constant (n) = 8 Internuclear distance (a) = 199 pm Zn(s) + ½ O2(g) ZnO(s) Hf = 350.5 kJ mol1 Zn(s) Zn(g) HS = 130.4 kJ mol1 Zn(g) Zn+ (g) I(Zn) = 906.3 kJ mol1 Zn+ (s) Zn2+(g) I(Zn+ ) = 1733 kJ mol1 ½ O2(g) O(g) ½Hd = 248.5 kJ mol1 O(g) O (g) EA(O) = 141 kJ mol1 O - (g) O 2 (g) EA(O ) = 780 kJ mol1
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27.03.19, 09:00
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Dear Sunnysunny, You're welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
Thank you for your sharing. Thanks to this article I can learn more things. Expand your knowledge and abilities. Actually the article is very practical. Thank you!
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