The most important properties of coal are as follows: • Proximate analysis - to determine the moisture, ash, volatiles matter and fixed carbon • Ultimate or elementary analysis - to determine the elemental composition of the coal • Calorific value • Caking properties - for bituminous coals only • Grindability - where the coal is to be pulverized Various properties of coals which gives rise to the manufacture of coke& & Chemical properties: •& Carbon:& The elements carbon expressed on dry mineral matter free (DMMF) basis should vary between 85-88%. •& Hydrogen: The hydrogen DMMF basis should vary between 3.7 to 4.5%. •& Sulpher:& In& the suplher both organic && inorganic& should not exceed 0.75% on DMMF basis. •& Phosphorous: The Phosphorous present in the coking coal should not exceed 0.15 – 0.25%. •& Other& elements:& Such& as& Nitrogen,& Iron& & Other& rarer& elements must& be present in traces.
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