a. Imagine that there is a certain copper containing metalloprotein, abbreviated R, which contains two copper atoms per molecule of protein. The molar mass of R is 107,000 g/mol. What is the mass % of copper in the metalloprotein?
b. The concentration of R in blood is 15.5 g R/100 mL blood. What is its molar concentration?
c. R can bind O2(g) . If the O2(g) pressure is 0.16 atm at 37oC, what is the molar concentration of the O2(g)?
d. The two copper atoms in R have the ability to bind one molecule of O2 (Cu–O–O–Cu). If, at equilibrium, O2 is bound to 60% of the R, what is the equilibrium constant for the reaction
R + O2 ⇌ RO2 ?
e. Hemoglobin, abbreviated Hb, is the oxygen carrier protein in mammals. The equilibrium constant for the reaction of Hb with O2(g) under the same conditions, Hb + O2 ⇌ HbO2, is 225. What is the equilibrium constant for the reaction HbO2 + R ⇌ RO2 + Hb ?
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