i) Will the complex be a high spin or low spin type?
the complex is High spin because pairing energy is greater then splitting energy
ii) Which of the spin state for this complex will show greater Jahn-Teller distortion and why? Draw the splitting diagram of high-spin and low-spin cases and explain
d1, d2, low spin d4, low spin d5, low spin d7, and d99, would be expected to exhibit Jhan-Teller distortion.
Elongation Jahn-Teller distortions occur when the degeneracy is broken by the stabilization (lowering in energy) of the d orbitals with a z component, while the orbitals without a z component are destabilized (higher in energy)
is due to the dxy and dx2−y2
dx2−y2 orbitals having greater overlap with the ligand orbitals, resulting in the orbitals being higher in energy. Since the dx2−y2
dx2−y2 orbital is antibonding, it is expected to increase in energy due to elongation. The dxy
dxy orbital is still nonbonding, but is destabilized due to the interactions. Jahn-Teller elongations are well-documented for copper(II) octahedral compounds
Compression Jahn-Teller distortions occur when the degeneracy is broken by the stabilization (lowering in energy) of the d orbitals without a z component, while the orbitals with a z component are destabilized (higher in energy)
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