The figure below shows the structure of La0.20Sr0.80MnO3 perovskite. At room temperature, it has a cubic unit cell with a lattice parameter a = 3.82 Å. O sites are white, mixed La/Sr sites are light grey, and Mn sites are dark grey. The arrows represent the so-called C-type antiferromagnetic(AFM) structure that appears below the Néel temperature TN = 230 K, in which the magnetic moments of unpaired electrons on Mn are aligned into chains with parallel spins along the z direction, and each chain has spins antiparallel to those of its neighbours in the x and y directions.
Suggest a combination of magnetic exchange interactions that could give rise to the C-type
AFM state in this compound, and explain how those exchange interactions work. Your
answer should consider the configuration of Mn electronic orbitals, including crystal-field
splitting, and their interactions with O electronic orbitals. Assume that Mn is high-spin.
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