Mixing bleach, or sodium hypochlorite(NaClO) with muriatic acid(HCl) will liberate chlorine gas, which is definitely toxic, and a severe irritant to eyes and nasal passages and the lungs even in small amounts.
The reaction goes as follows:
HCl + NaClO → NaCl + HClO
If there is an excess of HCl this second reaction can occur:
HCl + HClO → H2O +Cl2
With this, the overall reaction is:
2HCl + NaOCl → H2O + NaCl + Cl2
Chlorine Gas Inhalation:
Clinical signs:
Hypoxemia, wheezes, rales, and/or abnormal chest radiographs may be present.
More severely affected individuals may suffer acute lung injury (ALI) and/or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
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