Suppose you synthesized a Salt with formula Ni(en)2(H2O)2SO4•5H2O. In your synthesis you used 0.037mol of NiSO4.6H2O and 0.007mol of en. The actual yield (salt weighed out after synthesis) is 0.824g. Calculate the percent yield. Report your answer in % but don't report the units (e.g. 58 for 58%)
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11.04.18, 17:10
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11.04.18, 03:18
In a synthesis experiment 2.3mL of 25% (v/v) en in ethanol was used to
make a complex Nickel salt. Calculate the mols of en used in this
synthesis. You may assume a density of ethanol of 0.789g/mL and a
density for en of 0.899g/mL. Report your answer in units of mol.
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
In a synthesis experiment 2.3mL of 25% (v/v) en in ethanol was used to make a complex Nickel salt. Calculate the mols of en used in this synthesis. You may assume a density of ethanol of 0.789g/mL and a density for en of 0.899g/mL. Report your answer in units of mol.
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