Suppose you have Avogadro\'s number of mini marshmallows and use them to cover the state of Utah which has a land area of 8.214 × 104 mi2. Each mini marshmallow has a diameter of 0.635 cm and a height of 2.54 cm. Assuming the marshmallows are packed together so there is no space between them, to what height above the surface, in kilometers, will the mini marshmallows extend?
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Saubhagya Deuja
27.10.18, 10:00
The steps are correct. However, the units are wrong. The unit of area
should be square centimeter instead of cubic centimeter. Nevertheless,
thank you for the solution.
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The steps are correct. However, the units are wrong. The unit of area should be square centimeter instead of cubic centimeter. Nevertheless, thank you for the solution.
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