1. In the system: 2NO2 = N2O4 + Q H<0; a chemical equilibrium is reached. An increase in temperature will cause a shift to the ( left ), because the reverse reaction is ( increasing ). If concentration of NO2 isincreased, the (forward ) reaction will speed up, if total pressure is decreased the volume of the system should increase, the ( reverse) reaction will be preferred.
2.Rate of reation is the change in (concentration) of a reactant or product per time unit. For a chemical reaction: nA + mB --> C + D the rate equation or rate law is given by (chemical kinetics). Main factors that affect the reaction rate are concentration and temperature. The higer the reactant's concentration, the (faster) the reaction rate. Usually, an increase in temperature is accompanied by ( an increase) in the reaction rate.
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Assignment Expert
31.03.17, 16:43
Dear Soo Gil Park, please post a new question with a new formulation.
Soo Gil Park
30.03.17, 16:34
Thanks for your Solution. As I see your explantion, I probably well
understood for above 2 questions. Actually in the blank ( ), I made
myself. That's the reason that I want to re-check to Expert here if it
is correct. If not that difficult, can you please re-check my answers
in ( ). Many thanks.
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Dear Soo Gil Park, please post a new question with a new formulation.
Thanks for your Solution. As I see your explantion, I probably well understood for above 2 questions. Actually in the blank ( ), I made myself. That's the reason that I want to re-check to Expert here if it is correct. If not that difficult, can you please re-check my answers in ( ). Many thanks.
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