convert atm pressure from barometer reading in inches Hg to mm Hg and atm. given. 1atm= 760mmHg 1inche=2.54cm 1mm=0.1cm
Expert's answer
1inche=2.54cm = 25.4 mm 1 atm = 760mmHg / 25.4 mm = 29.921373 inHg 1 atm is the pressure equal to the weight of a mercury column 760 mm high at a temperature of 0.0 ° C, at a latitude of 45 ° and at sea level. 1 mm Hg = 101325/760 Pa. Formula for translation units is as follows: Pp = PHg * 101325/760, Where PHg - pressure, expressed in millimeters of mercury, Pp - pressure expressed in Pascal. Pp = 760mmHg * 101325/760mmHg = 101325 Pa or 1 atm
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