Learn more about our help with Assignments: Chemistry
Patrick Donovan
26.01.17, 04:51
1C+4H+2O. Start with C, as it is the dependant. Usually, you will only
have one carbon compound reacting until you get to organic chemistry.
this means that you have to have AT LEAST 1 CO2 produced. This means
that the 4 hydrogens need a space, and you fill that with 2 H20
molecules. The 2 oxygen from CO2 and the 2 oxygen from 2 H2O adds to 4
oxygen, or 2 O2. Therefore, 1-CH4 + 2-O2 -> 1-CO2 + 2H2O Hope this
helped! ~Patrick
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1C+4H+2O. Start with C, as it is the dependant. Usually, you will only have one carbon compound reacting until you get to organic chemistry. this means that you have to have AT LEAST 1 CO2 produced. This means that the 4 hydrogens need a space, and you fill that with 2 H20 molecules. The 2 oxygen from CO2 and the 2 oxygen from 2 H2O adds to 4 oxygen, or 2 O2. Therefore, 1-CH4 + 2-O2 -> 1-CO2 + 2H2O Hope this helped! ~Patrick
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