The question is which of the following acid is polar?
a) HF b) HCl c) HNO3 d) H2SO4
The sir drawn Lewis structure of these molecules and showed formal charges on HNO3 and told that it is the only polar acid in isolated state.
I guess he don't know what is polar and non-polar. All above molecules have net-dipole moment associated with them so all should be polar in nature.
even my teacher told one controversial statement - “"water is non-polar in isolated state”
he believes - “formal charges are real charges due to electrons. Formal charge is the criterion to detect polar and non-polar molecules. “
When I said - dipole moment is the only criterion to detect polarity and formal charges are not real but hypothetical charges to keep track of electrons, he disagree.
what you guys think about answer by my chemistry teacher?
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