According to Gay-Lussac’s law the pressure of gas is proportional to the absolute temperature upon constant volume.
This can be expressed by the equation:
P=K×T, where P – the pressure, K – constant, T – the absolute temperature [T = 273 + t(in Co)].
If we need to calculate more pressure values at different temperature, the K parameter should be found:
220 kPa = K(273+20), K = 0.75085,
360 kPa = K(273+40), K = 1.1501,
385 kPa = K(273+45), K = 1.2106,
580 kPa = K(273+55), K = 1.7683
As we can see the K values are different. Calculating its average value we get an equation, which gives the pressure at given temperature:
Kav = 1.22
Answer: Thus, P = 1.22×T.
Dear Imran. In Pv=nRT, v, n and R are constant values. They can be neglected.
please use for that Pv=nRT
Using constant K. P = K × T, T = P/K, where T = 273 + t. t is a temperature in degrees Celsius, T is a temperature in degrees Kelvin.
ok but how it is calculated 220 kPa on 20 C and vice versa all data
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