0.1 liter of NH3 is put in 0.2 liter O2 to form NO and water.
a) write the chemical equation of the reaction.
b) find if their is excess of one reagaint and calculate the excess volume.
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file https://assignmentexpert.com/https://assignmentexpert.com/homework-answers/chemistry-answer-53038.pdf
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Assignment Expert
16.06.15, 16:10
Dear [b][b]thevoice[/b][/b], please use panel for submitting new
12.06.15, 18:12
At the temperature 25C, there's solution containing 0.01M Cr3+ and
0.01M Cr2072-. If all the activity coefficients are 1,how much are the
electrode potentials of(Pt) l Cr3+, Cr2o72- when pH=1 and pH=3? (1.33
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Dear [b][b]thevoice[/b][/b], please use panel for submitting new questions
At the temperature 25C, there's solution containing 0.01M Cr3+ and 0.01M Cr2072-. If all the activity coefficients are 1,how much are the electrode potentials of(Pt) l Cr3+, Cr2o72- when pH=1 and pH=3? (1.33 v)
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