Compare the following biofuel with their relevant fossil fuel. Biogas vs. Natural gas. Biodiesel vs. Diesel Bioethanol vs. Ethanol
Your comparison should include the following:-
How much Heat of Combustion is released per mole? What is the amount of greenhouse emissions given
out per mole?
Using the data, suggest which fuel is better for the environment and your justification.
1.Obtained from shrubs, farm wastes, animal and human wastes.
2.Available in limited quantities
3.Used mostly in rural areas.
4.composition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency in comparison to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal. It gives no smoke
Natural Gas:
1.Obtained in natural form.
2.Used as a source of power.
3.Used as raw materials in petrochemical industries
4.It s supplied for household use as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and also used for running vehicles as CNG (Compressed Natural Gas).
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