1. On a glass of water add a small amount of alcohol, observe its solubility in water, this is your first set-up.
2. On another glass of water add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, observe its solubility in water, this is your second set-up.
3. Get your 1 ruler sized strip of paper, put a glue on the entire strip on one face then fold the paper. Let the paper stick to make it half in size. This is your set-up 3.
4. Get another 1 ruler sized strip of paper, do the same procedure in number 3 but on this one use a baby powder after putting a glue and observe if they will stick together. This is your set-up 4.
Guide Questions:
a. How will you differentiate the results of set-up 3 and set-up 4?
The solution attains its saturation point. Saturation point is the stage at which no more of a substance can be absorbed into a vapour or dissolved into a solution.
Once the saturation point is achieved, the solution remains unchanged
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