Below is a recipe of a medium attempted to isolate aerobic heterotrophic bacteria
from some environmental samples. Based on this recipe, do you think this
experiment will work? Explain your rationale. Also, which chemical is used as
an energy source in this case?
m.w. weight/volume
K2HPO4 174 7.0 g
KH2PO4 136 2.0 g
NH4Cl 53.5 1.0 g
MgCO3 84 0.1 g
CaCl2 111 0.05 g
Sodium Acetate 82 1.5 g
Trace elements in chloride forms (Fe, Co, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo) 10 μg
Distilled water (pH 7) 1000 mL
Expert's answer
Yes,This experiment will work.The solution given is Postgate's Medium B.
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