Explain the way in which insect without eyes move in a direction to there destination.
Expert's answer
Many insects live without eyes. Blind adults in search of food and sexual partners are guided by the surface vibrations and smell, and the larvae hatch blind directly to stock feed, so that they do not have to look around. Adult insects with strongly reduced eyes or no known among soil, cave or parasitic species living in an environment where vision is not easy orientation.
Antenna, antennae, or antennae - a pair of structures that may include from two to 60 segments. In form they are very diverse. In most insect orders the antenna length, ie consist of four or more segments, but Homoptera and flies have just three segments. In the latter case, the third segment can be setaceous outgrowth consisting of several fused segments. Antennas are not just tangible "palpi": they are the sensory hairs and holes that can, depending on the perceived odor, sound, gravity, humidity and temperature.
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