Our imaginary UR Critters include Herbimonas wegerii, Marsulphromonas davisius and Adphytus melhartii. Which one(s) have photosynthetic pigments / cilia (flagella) / "eye spots?"
A good place to start when making observations of both microscopic and macroscopic organisms is:
This is an experiement, so after observation, assign the characteristics to the critters(organisms). An organism can have more than two characteristis or shared characteristics with other organisms. For example,
1.Use the four "observation type" examples listed above to describe the UR Critters.
Critter Observation
Herbimonas wegerii Have photosynthetic pigments, Flagella and an eye spot
Marsulphromonas davisius Have photosynthetic pigments
Adphytus melhartii Have Cilia
2.Which UR Critter(s) might be able to detect light? Why do you think this?
Herbimonas wegerii and Marsulphromonas davisius might be able to detect light because they both have a photosynthetic pigment. Photosynthetic organisms contain light-absorbing molecules called photosynthetic pigments (e.g.chlorophyll) that absorb only specific wavelengths of visible light, while reflecting others. These organisms are therefore able to detect light especially for the purpose of photosynthesis. Herbimonas wegerii could be more efficient to detecting light and responding because besides having the pigment they also have eye spot for sight and flagella for locomotion. An example is Euglena.
Adphytus melhartii is also likely to be able to detect light if the cilia it has is a non-motile sensory cilia. These cilia are used as sensory organelles to detect changes in the sorrounding.
3.Which UR Critter(s) might be able to move? Why do you think this?
Herbimonas wegerii and Adphytus melhartii are able to move because they have the structures for locomotion. Herbimonas wegerii have flagella. Flagellum is a long whip-like structure that acts like a little motor. The spinning of the flagella likely enables Herbimonas wegerii to move.
Adphytus melhartii have cilia. Cilia are small hair-like protuberances on the outside of cells. If these are motile cilia then the organism is likely to move. However, if they are non-motile cilia then the organism uses it as a sensory organelle
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