Answer to Question #328724 in Human Anatomy and Physiology for Ema

Question #328724

Briefly describe the parts of an unmyelinated and a myelinated neurone. State the functions of neurons and neuroglia. (10%- 5 marks for structure of neurones, 5 marks for functions)

Expert's answer

Myelinated axons are the neuron axons which are covered with myelin sheaths. Unmyelinated axons are the axons which are not covered with myelin sheaths. The conduction of nerve impulses is faster in myelinated axons. The conduction of nerve impulse is slower in unmyelinated axons.

Unmyelinated nerve fibres do not show notes and internodes. Myelinated fibres possess notes of Ranvier. Unmyelinated nerve fibres do not possess the Notes of Ranvier. Myelinated nerve fibres occur in the white matter of the brain, spinal cord and in the central and cranial nervous system.

A neuron has three main components: cell body, dendrites, and an axon. Dendrites receive electrical signal and handover to the axon. Axon transmits the signal to the next neuron.

Neurons are the structural and functional unit of nervous system. They help in transmitting the nerve impulse. Neuroglia are the supporting cells. Neurons are like the communication network of the body whereas neuroglia facilitates the functioning of the communications network.

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