Genetics Answers

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How do I define haploid and monoploid?
According to An Introduction to Genetic Analysis,
Genetic code is the set of correspondences between nucleotide pair triplets in DNA and amino acids in protein.
Can you explain what it correspondence in this regard?
I don't understand why nucleotide pair triplet and not simply nucleotide pair? Is it mostly because DNA is ds?
In a random mating population oo 28,800 individuals percentyage of dominant homozygous individuals is 49.find out the percentage of heterozygous individual
What is tandem repeat?
Is it the entire stretch of adjacently repeated nuclecotide sequences or the repeating sequence in such a stretch of DNA?
I've encountered both, the former in most of the writings. Here's a link to a more detailed description of the question:
Explain how competition between two species leads to character displacement and ecological exclusion by giving an example.
Discuss the theories that have been put forth to explain racial differences in blood group distribution amongst various populations of the world.
Is inbreeding really efficient at producing homozygosity?
Let us suppose the character we are trying to establish is dominant trait controlled by a biallelic gene and the two individuals (animals) we have selected to inbreed both have the genotypes Aa.
Aa x Aa = AA/ Aa/ aa in the ratio 1:2:1
So the possibility of having a homozygous dominant is 25% while that of heterozygous is 50%. As the breeder has no access to technologies and find out the genotype of the F1 individuals there's a possibility that he would choose two F1 individuals with Aa genotype once again (which has the highest possibility of occurrence). And the same is repeated , production of F2 offsprings with 50% possibility of heterozygous individuals.So getting a homozygous dominant individual is very less likely to happen.

My question, is inbreeding really efficient at producing homozygosity?
How did Mendel confirm the Law of Segregation?
a new student of genetics suspects that a particular recessive trait in fruit flies (dumpy wings: d) is sex linked. A single mating between a female fly having dumpy wings and a male fly with normal wings (D) produces 3 dumpy- winged females and 2 normal males. On the basis of these data, is the trait sex-linked or autosomal? what were the genotypes of the parents? explain how the conclusions can be reached on the basis of so few data. male fruit flies are XY and females are XX.
Recall that mendel crossed a true breeding tall, purple-flowered pea plants with a true breeding dwarf, white flowered plant. All the f1 plants were tall and purple flowered. If an f1 plant is now self-pollinated, what is the probability of obtaining an f2 plant heterozygous for the genes controlling height and flower color?
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