The gene sequence of a chromosome is HIJKL.MNOPQ.
What chromosome change resulted in the following sequences of the chromosome?
Expert's answer
(a) HIJKNM.LOPQ In this case, the first part of the gene sequence (“HIJK”) remained unchanged, but all the next “nucleotides” were changed to another sequence. In genetics, it can be in case of translocation, where two non-homologous chromosomes are exchanging their parts with each other and it can in some cases it can cause genetic diseases. (b) HIJKL.MNONOPQ In this case, duplication of the “NO” part is occurred. All the rest sequence is the same.
(c) HIJKLLK.MNOPQ In genetics, this type of chromosome rearrangement could be named as “inverted duplication”. It means that the “KL” part of sequence was duplicated, and this duplicated part was inverted. This is a quite common CNV (copy number variation) in a genome.
(d) HIJKL.MNCDEFG In this case, same as in the 1st one, translocation appeared, the region “HIJKL.MN” remained the same, but the part of another chromosome can be observed in this sequence.
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Asma Minal
19.04.18, 23:55
Thanks for help,but last part is partially incorrect.According to
question CDEFG is not part of the given chromosome sequence so last
result can not be obtain.
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Thanks for help,but last part is partially incorrect.According to question CDEFG is not part of the given chromosome sequence so last result can not be obtain.
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