Zaphod, a space alien from a planet near the star Betelgeuse, meets and marries a phenotypically normal Earth woman, Jane. Interestingly, Zaphod himself has a father from his home planet and a human mother. Aliens from the Betelgeus region like Zaphod have pointed noses (specified by allele Q), purple ears (specified by B), and extra long arms (specified by S). All three alleles are dominant to corresponding wild type Earth alleles. The three gene loci are located on autosomes. The three genes are known to have the linkage arrangement where gene B is in the middle of Q and S with the Q-B distance equal to 15 mu and the B-S distance equal to 20 mu. If Zaphod and Jane have children, and there is no genetic interference, what proportion will have:
A] Alien phenotypes for nose, ears and arms
B] Earth phenotypes for nose, ears and arm
C] Alien nose and arms but Earth ears
D] Alien nose, but Earth arms and ears
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