What is difference between VNTR and probe?Write at least 5
Expert's answer
1. Type of nucleic acid: DNA (VNTR); either DNA or RNA (probe). 2. Sequence type: always tandem repeats, depends on sequence of template chain (VNTR); depends on target sequence (probe). 3. Sequence polymorphism: hypervariable (unique for each individual in case of VNTR); less variable (based on typical consensus sequence in case of probe). 4. Origin: part of DNA synthesized in vivo during transcription and isolated from cells (VNTR), sequence synthesized in vitro (probe). 5. Role in genetic analysis: target sequence which is being detected (VNTR); marker used for detection (probe).
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Assignment Expert
09.11.15, 19:18
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Astha Agarwal
09.11.15, 18:25
very good answer.Thanks!
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Dear Astha Agarwal! You are welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you really liked our service please press like-button beside answer field. Thank you!
very good answer.Thanks!
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