According to Hardy–Weinberg principle p2 + 2pq + q2 = 100% = 1,
where, p2 is the frequency of the AA genotype,
2pq - frequency of the genotype Aa,
q2 is the frequency of the aa genotype.
Then q2 = 1 - (p2 + 2pq)
However, the number of patients (6: 10,000) does not represent p2 + 2pq, but only 25% of carriers of allele A, and the true number of people with this allele is four times greater 24: 10,000.
Therefore p2 + 2pq = 24 : 10 000
Then q2 = 1 - (p2 + 2pq) = 1 - 24 : 10000 = 0,9976
State the number of homozygous individuals for the recessive allele = 9976 : 10000 or 1 : 10.
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