Heritable Characteristics – are genetic characteristics which are passed on from the parents to the offsprings during generations. These are always some physical traits, like shape of your face, nose, mouth, eyes, color of your skin, hair, eyes, your height, bodytype etc.
There are two types of Heritable Characteristics.
Discrete variations or genetically inherited traits that have a limited number of variations, including attachment of your earlobe (it can only be attached or no) or the ability to roll your tongue into a tube (you can or can not do it).
Continuous variations are genetic traits which show a range of possibilities, for example height of the child can not be exact height of the parents but it has a tendency to be taller or shorter, mass, length of some body parts etc.
Non Heritable Characteristics are acquired due to the environment. These are some skills and traits you are learing over the time, for example manners, fitness, intelligence.
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