Male reproduction system produce sperm and secrete hormones.
It includes system of ducts (epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory ducts, urethra), Accessory Sex Glands (seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands) and Several Supporting Structures (scrotum - supports testes, penis - delivers sperm into female reproductive tract).
It performs such functions: transports and stores sperm; assists in maturation of sperm, conveys it to the exterior.
Produced semen inclused sperm plus secretion and is provided by accessory glands.
Female reproduction system includes the following organs: ovaries, uterine (fallopian) tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, mammary glands.
Each of them perform the following functions:
1) The ovaries produce:
- secondary oocytes;
- hormones, including progesterone and estrogens (female sex hormones), inhibin, relaxin.
2) The uterine tubes transport:
- a secondary oocyte to the uterus;
- normally are the sites where fertilization occurs;
3) The uterus is the site of:
- implantation of fertilized ovum;
- development of fetus during pregnancy and labor;
4) The vagina:
- receives the penis during sexual intercourse;
- is a passageway for childbirth.
5) The mammary glands:
- synthesize;
- secrete;
- eject milk for nourishment of the newborn.
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