37. The kidney of a given land animal has particularly short loops of Henle. Predict the type of environment in which this animal lives.
temperate forest
arid mountain range
48. The cells that make up multicellular organims send, receive, and respond to a variety of signals. Which of the following is an example of direct signaling?
During wound healing, platelet cells produce a growth factor that induces nearby cells to divide.
Junctions between adjacent plant cells connect their cytoplasms and allow them to share molecules.
Mutated cancer cells produce as well as respond to growth signals, resulting in tumor growth.
Pancreas cells produce and release insulin into the bloodstream to induce liver cells to uptake and use glucose.
Expert's answer
37. wetland. Loop of Henle is responsible of water reabsorption. Short loop of Henle does not allow efficient reabsoprtion of water. So, the animal must live in the enironment where there is no water deficit.
48. Junctions between adjacent plant cells connect their cytoplasms and allow them to share molecules. It is the only option, which includes the desciption of contact between cells for signals exchange. Direct signaling can occur by transferring signaling molecules across gap junctions between neighboring cells.
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