Why am I so Bad at Math? How Can I Improve?

Why am I so bad at math

Math is one of those subjects that people believe you either “get it” or you don’t. You have to be a “numbers” person to understand math. But this growing idea isn’t supported by enough evidence to say so. Mathematics just seems to be a subject that requires a lot of practice and time to master and understand, rather than just a subject for “math people”. Nothing always comes easy, no matter the subject. The most successful people utilized what opportunities they had to be successful. 

Not sure how many problems i have because math is one of them

So why am I so bad at math?

There are lots of ways to explain your ineptitude in mathematics and numbers. But it’s not because you’re inherently born bad at it. Mathematics requires lots of logical thinking and processes, so in that way, for most people it’s difficult to understand concepts and formulas without taking a long time to practice and learn it. Practicing mathematics is just putting time and effort into it until you understand it. 

The learning curve for math varies from person to person so maybe you need to put in a little more work at understanding formulas and algorithms than your classmate, but it doesn’t mean that you’re bad at it! Everyone learns differently, including yourself. Don’t discourage or beat yourself up because you don’t understand a concept. Stay positive with your mindset, and have a little patience. Math will come to you one way or another, and eventually you’ll be good at math! 

Okay, but how can I start to learn quicker?

Learning anything requires patiences and time, and math is no different. The idea is that you try to understand it in a way that makes sense to you. Some teachers are great at making the material relatable and understandable, whereas other teachers don’t do such a good job and their students aren’t going to be effectively learning. 


First thing you should focus on is the material itself. Math includes lots of different focuses and formulas, so figure out which one causes you problems and do some research. Calculus is different from computer programming. Trigonometry is different from Physics. Algebra is different from statistics. So finding out that each different specialization of math can help you navigate everything else. 

The fundamentals of math can apply broadly across all studies of math, so it’s important to establish that first. Common core math classes in high school are exactly that — they teach you the fundamentals, or the “core” of other maths. These are the building blocks that can help you learn other concepts quicker. Practice those times tables and long division! 


Once you figure out what kind of math you struggle with or what you need extra help with, it’s time to learn! But where do you start?

Look in your glossary of the book, ask your classmates, ask your teacher, ask anyone who knows the material to help you understand the material better. Self-taught students seek answers from others when they are having difficulties trying to understand it. Maybe they have a way that you understand better, or maybe they can show you something that you may have missed. 

The Internet 

The internet is constantly becoming more and more of a valuable learning resource. From websites to give you formulas to plug and chug to online tutors, the internet is full of resources that can help you in your quest to learn math. 

Youtube and Google are instant helpers, searching for everything you need to know for your problems in math. They have videos, explanations, blogs, pretty much anything you can think of to help 

Assignment Expert is one of those resources that can help you with specific homework tasks, including more difficult math and engineering ones. Throughout the process, they will explain these concepts to you in a way you can understand it and learn it yourself. We believe that students should be armed with the knowledge to do their assignments on their own after the help of our experts. They can take you through the processes of solving problems, step by step.  

Our experts have plenty of experience and can guide you through the problematic concepts and even teach you new methods or ways of solving equations. We have experts in almost any field of math you can think of! From discrete math, trigonometry, engineering, statistics and probability, the list goes on! 

Practice and Hard Work! 

An overlooked method of learning pretty much anything is practice. The more hours you spend putting in that work gets you that much closer to mastering a subject. They say that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master doing anything. Bill Gates had 10,000 hours of computer programing. Kobe Bryant had over 10,000 hours of basketball practice. Wayne Gretsky had over 10,000 hours of hockey practice. The common thread is that they put in the time and effort in something they had passion for, and eventually became the best of the best!

Of course, we’re not trying to become the best of the best in math. But you see the idea, the amount of effort and time you put into something reflects how much you learn. There’s a direct correlation between how much you practice and how good you are at your craft. So spending that extra time and effort to learn and study math will eventually pay off, as long as you are patient! 


Learning is always a process that everyone must go through, but not everyone can do. It’s up to you to go out there and improve yourself. Math isn’t easy, but nothing in life is easy and you’ll have to work for it. Take these ideas into account when studying and you’ll be sure to succeed. Practice makes perfect! 


Filed under Math.
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