What will Summer 2020 Look Like for Students?

Summer 2020 look like

As the summer months approach and the weather is getting warmer and warmer, a looming question about student’s holidays hangs over our heads. No, it’s not the question of “what are you summer plans” but rather the question of “when will things go back to normal?” People are just starting to get used to distance learning and online education platforms and schools and other educational institutions have not made the move to open schools just yet.

The government is taking precaution to Covid-19 and the global pandemic, and schools and universities have followed suit, not opening their buildings and offices unless it is absolutely mandatory. This means that some schools have opted to cancel courses for the rest of the school year to plan out everything for the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year. 

But what does this mean for student’s now? Will they be able to complete their Spring 2020 semester? Will that have to retake some courses or exams? Will they have to take summer courses? Will they have a Hot Girl Summer 2020 edition? All of these important questions will be answered hopefully very soon. 

What will my summer of 2020 look like?

Summer Classes 2020

The most important thing to take into consideration is public health. Schools that cancelled part of or their entire Spring 2020 semester have to think about rescheduling the missed courses. If and when the situation gets better around the world, some schools have thought about reopening during the summer months to make up for the 2.5 months in quarantine. 

Depending on your country or even state, the requirements for schools to reopen may be different – so some may still remain closed but others will open in limited capacity. If you were lucky enough to finish the semester online, you may not have to worry about school until Fall 2020. For others, as difficult as this will sound, your Summer 2020 may be spent inside the classroom. The best thing to do is think about your future and education and prioritize that first. 

Summer Travels 2020

There has been no clear word on whether travel will be back to normal any time soon. As some countries and places around the world are improving from their Covid-19 lockdown, others have not, so some countries have chosen to keep their borders closed or in limited capacity to keep the public safe. Hotels and stores may function at limited capacity and places for entertainment and sightseeing may also follow strict quarantine rules.

So hold on to your travel pants, as the idea of traveling may still not happen by summer 2020. Keep checking the CDC and the WHO website for news updates on travel and whether travel will be allowed. In the meantime, traveling to your isolated summer home in the woods might be something you look into. 

Summer Socializing 2020

There are several major music festivals and parades that have been canceled for the foreseeable future due to Covid-19. Coachella, Summer Fest, and Pride Parade are just a few of them to name. 

But just as many summer parties and vacations have been cancelled as well, so the idea of socializing may have been limited to just small gatherings while practicing social distancing. Some local governments have shifted to a softer quarantine, allowing more people to congregate in a certain area and even opened up public places like the beaches and parks. 

It’s still best to be cautious, and if you are deciding to go out, make sure to wash your hands and wear a mask to prevent further spreading!

So, What Can I do during the Summer of 2020?

Even with all of these social distancing practices and quarantine procedures, students still need to find ways to unwind after a tough and weird academic year. Some universities are offering discounted or even free summer courses in lieu of missing part or the entire spring semester. Some summer camps have moved to a virtual campsite, safe for children to get their social interaction on. And other places have found ways to practice safe social distancing measures by putting on restrictions on interactions. Here’s some good ways to consider your summer 2020 plans. 

Work on yourself

Summer is here, but it’s never too late to start working on a healthier summer body! Even with the lockdown affecting gyms, the weather will be warm enough to be outside and active (to a certain degree). Motivating yourself to run everyday, training for a marathon or eating healthier may also be a good way to spend your quarantined days. Self-improvement will always be something to work for, so now is a better time than any. 

Plan Ahead

With a global pandemic on our hands, it’s wise to say that we should prepare ourselves for any other future contingency. Financial plans, educational plans, and even plans for Fall 2020 should be thought about to ensure that you’ll be prepared. Lots of students need to think about their situation moving forward and if their timeline has been affected or if their finances need to be rearranged. 

Study up!

This may be a good time to catch up on your studies or even learn a new skill. There plenty of institutes that are offering popular online courses that are free of cost – allowing anyone to register and take courses. Here’s just a few of them to consider.

  1. Edx

An online education platform created by Harvard, is home to over 140 courses to learn from. They are partnered with MIT, Berkley, and 120 other institutes to provide easier access to higher education in an affordable way. Most courses are free to register, but some may require to pay a fee for a verified certificate. This is a great way to get ahead for the next year, or to improve your knowledge on a particular subject. 

  1. Udemy

Udemy has over 150,000 courses with a variety of diverse topics to choose from. They are popular for computer programming courses and courses like “Instagramming Marketing 2020” making it accessible to nearly anyone who wants to learn anything. Some courses are as low as $15, so it’s also another way to have affordable education opportunities

  1. MasterClass

You may have seen advertisements for MasterClass on YouTube on how to shoot the ball like Stephen Curry, or how to cook like Gordon Ramsey. MasterClass is another way to learn how to do something, except this isn’t just for higher education. You can learn about very certain skills from the professionals. 

Whether you’re stuck inside the classroom or you’re sitting at home waiting to safely go to summer BBQ’s, the summer of 2020 will look very different. If you’re continuing to study or need to study for your exams, Assignment Expert can help you with all your homework needs! 

Filed under College Life.
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