TOEFL as the Test of English Proficiency


Knowledge of English is necessary today almost for everyone – students and travelers, corporate leaders and subordinates. The reason is that the development of transport infrastructure makes people gradually cosmopolitan, who often travel to other countries, talking to residents from other continents. And if to learn all languages ​​is not possible, in order to be able to communicate with foreigners, knowledge of English as a language of international communication is enough.

Many foreign universities and companies before taking representatives of other countries for training or hiring them require providing documentation of English level. Test TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is one of the most popular and common tests in the world, which involves examination of knowledge of a foreign language as a non-native. The results of this test are required by most universities of the world, many foreign companies in recruitment of future employees. The test is recognized by more than seven thousand higher educational institutions in 130 countries. Educational Testing Service organization developed the test.

All tasks in tests are always changed, very rarely repeated and made up of authentic academic materials, topics from the higher education institutions, so there is no sense to look for the answer book and the program. Students must be prepared for the fact that all materials (both text and audio files) may relate to various spheres of human activity and knowledge areas (geology, geography, astronomy, biology, economics, history, etc.). But in this case, there is no need and worry to prepare on all existing disciplines – passing the test not knowledge of these areas is checked, but only English language proficiency. It is important for teachers to understand whether people can learn and remember the various details of text, identify the main idea and draw conclusions from what they heard or read.

Thus, all tasks of TOEFL are formed specifically so that the teachers are able to assess the skills and knowledge of the person, for whom English is not a native language. Therefore, the successful pass of the test and the maximum scores are the major conditions of adoption applicants in any of the colleges or universities in the U.S., Canada and other countries in the higher institutions, where the teaching is in English.

Typically, universities establish certain passing score in TOEFL, which is a condition of enrollment of candidates for training or going international programs, grants, internships. Many international companies-employers (especially government agencies) also require presenting the results of the TOEFL as proof of the necessary level of proficiency.

Today there are two main types of TOEFL, during which different systems of testing are applied:

–  Internet-based test (IBT) is carried out on a computer using the Internet. This test is useful for those, who prefer online training or cannot visit the center, where the test is performed. There can be many reasons for this – busy at work, living in remote areas, some health problems, so a person is limited in movement, etc.

–  Paper-based test (PBT), during which all the tasks are done on paper. In this case, a candidate must find a special education center, sign up for passing the test, arrive at an agreed date and time and pass the test on the same basis with other students.

Total time of passing online TOEFL test is about four and a half hours with one ten-minute break after the passage of two sections. All tasks (4 sections) must be done in order during one day. Everyone has the opportunity to pass the test as many times as he wants, but not more often than once a week. The test includes sections such as reading (3-5 passages of text, questions to them), listening (6 passages in order to assess the student’s ability to understand heard), speaking (express their opinion about a problem) and writing (evaluation ability of expressing thoughts in structured and accurate manner).

As for PBT after passing the test the person receives a certificate, which indicates the total score under test scores. PBT TOEFL implies duration of three hours, and similar tasks.

TOEFL results are valid for two years. After two years passed from the date of passing the test, it is necessary to pass it again, as the results are already considered to be invalid. To find out where and when you can pass TOEFL test in the near future, you should visit a special website and view the information.


Many experts say that in order to successfully pass the test and score the necessary points, it is preferably to prepare with a specialist, who knows the specifics of the tasks and be able to teach the student. In this case, not only knowledge of English is of great importance, but the ability to use it in various situations, be smart and adequate to the situation.

Therefore, a targeted training to pass TOEFL, which will ensure a good result, will be more effective.

Filed under Education.
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