The Face of the Company or How to Attract by Business Letter?

Dear Reader!

I am pleased to become the person who has an opportunity to assist you in writing business letters.  The fate of the request (the problem, suggestion) set out in a business letter, largely depends on how and what it says. At first glance on the text the Receiver will have the opinion about the author and how seriously the relation to business letter should be – whether read it on and how to react to it? By its nature and content letters can be very different, but the key rules for writing business letters and examples are the same for everyone. Often successfully drafted appeal to potential partners in itself brings a good profit. Here are a few simple rules.

Request. Find out more about the head of the company to which you are going to write. Experience shows that the receiver is always pleased when he is addressed personally. If you failed to specify his name, do not write: “D. Mr. Dir-r!” or “D. Comm. Firm Dir-r”. The word “dear”, “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Deputy Director” and the like should be written in full.

Heading. The letter should contain a title, which in a short and catchy form discloses its contents. This will help to distinguish your message from the mass of similar letters that come to any serious company. Brief abstract will be very useful in the event that the potential customer is not immediately interested in a business letter. It happens that some time passes, and the Director says the Secretary: “Remember, we received an interesting proposal in November? I cannot remember from where. Overall, find it.” Heading of the letter should contain the information, which will simplify its search.

Compliments. A letter with entry-compliment after the greeting will make a good impression. It can be said that you are pleased to welcome “well-known company”, what an honor for you will be to provide services for “such a reliable partner,” etc. The expression of hope for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation will also be available.

Without the “water”. Avoid excessive politeness (“would you be so kind as to read this letter, please”) and meaningless adjectives (outstanding, amazing, wonderful, etc.). The abundance of unnecessary pronouns will not help you (“we are happy to welcome you and your company” instead of “glad to meet you”), and just verbal garbage (“we, of course, believe that cooperation with us is sure to be beneficial to you”). Letters written in this style are less convincing, and competent. Remember that the text contains a lot of “water” (though optional expressions) gives the impression that the author has a low social status.

Do not command. Do not use directive phrases-instructions such as “if you are interested, you should contact us on the phone …” First, because you are bumping recipients to believe that your proposal may not interest them. Second, you arrogantly specify your potential partners, how they should behave. It is better to write: “To discuss the details of our offer you can contact us on the phone …” The meaning is the same, but the tone is less categorical and adjusts to a more positive attitude toward you.

“Necessary” verbs. Use verbs of perfect form. For example, “have done”, “have designed”, “have increased”, “have created”, etc. Imperfective verbs (“produce”, “work”, “execute”, etc.) give an idea of the performing functions rather than on results. Perfect verbs create the illusion of concrete progress in the performance of any activity, so will impress more solidity and respectability of your company.

Do not forget about the letterform. Be sure to write on the company’s letterhead. This will emphasize that behind it the solid company is presented, therefore, you can be dealt with. If the message is about financial relations, specify the account and the name of your bank. Links to licenses and certificates will confirm your good reputation (if your business requires their presence).

Responding to the letter it is sufficient to indicate in the end your name. If you initiate the correspondence, in addition to this include your job position and phone number. Using in the beginning of a letter “Dear …”, do not complete it with the phrase “With respect”. Write: “Best wishes”, “Regards” or “Sincerely yours”.

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