Seven Years with Assignment Expert

Assignment Expert 7 Years

What do you remember about your being 7-year old? A time of enthusiasm and curiosity, new skills and adventures, huh? Well, we dare say that for us, this year has been full of all those above since we’re now seven years old! And we’re excited to share our latest achievements in the field of homework help with you because it’s exactly you who have helped us to become who we are today. So, let’s see how 7-years old Assignment Expert looks like.

How we grew over 7 years

As a human brain grows significantly at the age of 7 years, so does the think tank of our company. We are happy to admit that the number of experts in each category has increased, and we’ve been opening our doors to more and more new experts.  The applicants now have to go through a radically new testing procedure to join our ranks and help students with homework all over the globe .

By now, our staff comprises 872 experts in different disciplines as you may see it in the table below

Quality control and performance

With every passing year, we’re becoming more mature in terms of quality provided by our service and the ways we cope with obstacles, which we meet while obtaining it. And 2015 was not an exception. Normally, every year the number of orders and new coming customers rises, but previous year, this number decreased a bit since Google moved down our position in SERP. It took several months to fix it and, finally, in the end of 2015, Assignment Expert has taken back its position and has been going upwards in search results.

And now, we’re pleased with the actual number of the performed tasks within the period of 5 months, which jumped up significantly:

January – May 2016: 4392 completed assignments

Same period in 2015: 2375 completed assignments 

The effectiveness of our service remains on its high level, reaching 97%, which is achieved by the thorough work of our quality control team and competent experts. This percent embraces the number of successfully performed tasks – 8,053 – within 2015, where each task was highly evaluated by students and their teachers. The other 3% refer to those assignments, which due to these or those reasons appear not to satisfy all the customer’s requirements, be it for the unrealistic deadline like half an hour or because of teacher’s attitude to the student. There were also rare cases when our experts failed several assignments due to their personal reasons, however, we are always eager to reconsider every situation and will definitely try to omit such disturbances in the future.

We’ve also introduced some changes that touch the categories and the process of submitting  your assignment to reduce the time spent on looking for your expert. First, now there are more subcategories in every subject, so you have more chances to find exactly yours. But even if you can’t, there’s a field where you can put down your subject or even the words related to it to speed up the search for the necessary expert.

2016 in Assignment Expert keeps going its productive way. We can’t stop boasting good feedback received from our customers on services like Reviewcentre.comSitejabber and Reviews section on our website. What we have understood from the reviews is that we not only provide quality academic help but also teach students new skills and develop the understanding of the things which they couldn’t even get before.

AssignmentExpert Reviews Consumer Reviews of 1Assignment Expert Review Great help

And not only students are grateful for our assistance but also their parents. We constantly receive positive comments from relatives of our customers who are happy that their child has boosted his or her progress and saved time with our help like, for example, this one


Another great thing is we keep on developing our tutoring services and social accounts to get closer to our customers and to know students and their demands better. Now you can learn from us and contact us not only on our website but also anywhere you like:

These days, no matter where you are, we offer you to celebrate our birthday with us. So, bring here your homework, finals preparation and any academic questions since our experts are in a good mood to cope with all your stuff.

Filed under Homework Help.
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