
Maximize Your Winter Break Productivity

winter break productivity

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: Winter Holidays! Thanksgiving dinner was served, Black Friday has finished, and now we wait for Christmas and New Year to commence! But that doesn’t mean we can’t start a bit sooner! Students are ready to take their exams and head home for Christmas and take a break before the academic grind comes back. Sometimes there are projects you need to finish, sometimes there’s some reading you need to complete, and sometimes there is work to be done before the next term begins. How can you possibly fit all of this into your holiday? Aren’t holidays esupposed to be relaxing?  (more…)

Filed under College Life.

How to Cram for an Exam in a Week

How to cram for an exam in a week

You see it in front of you. Holiday Ham. Eggnog. Presents underneath the tree. Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You” playing non-stop over the radio. Winter break is coming. The only thing separating you and winter break is the wall… the wall of homework and exams. One last push to get to the other side and freedom! Students all working together in tandem to study for their exams and to prepare projects and presentations. But is it enough? (more…)

Filed under College Life, Education.

Should Students Have Homework and Why

Should students have homework

There’s a shortlist of things students absolutely loathe, no matter what major you’re in or which Universities or High Schools you study at. There’s student loans, 7 AM morning classes, registration for classes, and dreaded homework. All of these things inconvenience students to no end, getting in the way of their finances or social time or even spending with family time. Everybody needs a little R&R every now and then, don’t they? (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

How to Write the Greatest Essay You’ve Ever Written

How to write a great essay

Writing is a recipe where we share our thoughts and ideas, guiding the readers along for the experience we are cooking up. The idea behind writing essays is to be able to deliver a well-concocted thesis seasoned with logical reasoning and research like salt and pepper to a main dish. An essay is something most students encounter multiple times in their academic career, and while some can manage, there are plenty of others that struggle to write a great essay for one reason or another. (more…)

Filed under English, Writing.

How to Write a Last-Minute Research Paper

How to write a last minute research paper

The clock is ticking. The coffee is brewing. The stress intensifies. And all you’ve written in the past 15 minutes is the title and your name. There’s only one thing going through your mind right now. And no, it’s not quitting school and becoming a professional juggler. You think, “Man, I’m screwed.” And you are not completely wrong. This is why you’re here, you came for help and you came to the right spot. You’re not unlike all the other students saving this assignment for the last minute, so you’re all in the same boat. There are only a few ways to navigate these treacherous waters without being sunk at sea, but first thing’s first: get your bearings straight and buckle down. Know what you are going to do before doing it! (more…)

Filed under Writing.

The Hardest Programming Languages

Hardest programming language

In order to run, you must first learn to walk. In order to create programs, you must learn to code. A rule of thumb with learning is to build upon what you understand and know and develop new abilities and skills. The nature of programming is cumulative, what you know now can be used to learn something else later. With so many computing languages emerging, it’s difficult to understand all of them, so most start with the easier ones because they are the foundation of all the other newer ones. (more…)

Filed under Programming.

What to do if you don’t want to go back to school?

Not back to school

Going back to school after summer vacation is not the easiest thing to do. In fact, it takes more mental and physical strength to pull yourself out of the summer slump of relaxation and doing nothing than anything else. (more…)

Filed under College Life.