
The Future of Humanity: What Threats Will the Change of Earth’s Magnetic Poles Bring?

At the end of the 21st century everything will be different …
And the person will be the other one…

People got used to such large-scale changes as the redrawing of the continents or climate that occur slowly. It is difficult to assess them by one generation, and sometimes just to see them. However, there is a discovery: a grand event – the upheaval of the magnetic poles – maybe even for a man almost instantly. And such a focus home planet can wrap up before our very eyes.



Filed under Homework Help, Physics.

Electric Motors

Modern electric motors are complex mechanical devices that help people in solving various production problems. Without the electric motor it is hard to imagine even the simplest form of electrical equipment, which is protecting the interests of the progressive people. At first, people discovered the inexhaustible sources of electrical energy. Then, using the electric motor they made the electricity to perform time-consuming work. Today, electric motors are an essential part of any electrical equipment.2 (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, Physics.

The photo of light: the impossible is possible

The fastest camera in the world can see the movement of ultra-short light pulse through the one liter bottle, just as conventional high-speed camera shoot bullets’ pass through the apple in detail. 1

A unique system was created by Ramesh Raskar from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and members of his laboratory Camera Culture with the participation of Bawendi Group. Raskar is known to us for the camera that shoots around corner. It is, incidentally, is a close relative of the new item – they have common elements and similar techniques for working with light. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

Wave Interference in the Cellular Network

Telephone communication has so deeply penetrated into our environment that we cannot imagine our life without it. Pick up the phone, dial a number and hear the voice of a friend or a beloved. What could be simpler? But behind this the great work of physicists, engineers, electricians and people of other professions was done.

1 (more…)

Filed under Physics.

Education in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages (V – XVII) the image of Western society, its culture, pedagogy and education changed significantly compared to the ancient era. This was due to the approval of a new type of socio-economic relations, new forms of statehood and the transformation of culture due to the penetration of Christianity.


The philosophical and pedagogical thought of the early Middle Ages defined its main aim in the salvation. The core source of education was considered as Divine. The carriers of Christian pedagogy and morality were the ministers of Catholicity. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Pilot Education


“The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish”. The achievement of this aim is possible only in case of good preparation of the pilot, his/her ability to be taught.
As the teaching is a developmental process it includes:

  • The identification of knowledge source;
  • The control of studies;
  • Sharing of the data;
  • Instruction by precept, example, or experience.


Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Homework Hacks


Almost all of us are lazy creatures.  We all want to visit our favorite website / forum, can’t escape clicking the button “get new mail” in the mail client, get distracted by meaningless things, and so on. There are those days when hours are dying for nothing, but the only thought hanging in your head is, “how to organize myself into effective work?” We want to spend every minute with a maximum benefit, but we do not want to jump through hoops for it.

Filed under Homework Help.