
School Education Systems in Different Countries


The current French system of secondary education, like most European systems, consists of three stages – primary (ecole primaire, from 6 to 11 years) and secondary (college – from 11 to 15 years), and then lyceum (lycee – from 16 to 18). The education of state standard is compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years. In the public school education is free, but there are private alternatives.

Private schools mostly are paid for the students, but less constrained by government frameworks – also provide its graduates with diplomas of state standard. Figure 1 shows two types of schools based on their relationship with the state: subsidized (sous contrat) and unsubsidized (hors contrat).



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The Light from the Vacuum


One of the most incredible predictions of quantum theory is the fact that the vacuum is not an absolute void. In fact, it is swarming with virtual particles, which under certain conditions, appear and disappear again and again, as rabbits in a hat of a magician. For a long time, it has been impossible to “feel” these “little animals”. But in May 2011, scientists from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg (Sweden) conducted an experiment and extracted of the photon fluxes from the vacuum that means some “development” of hidden in its virtual particles. Thus, they confirmed the critical situation of the quantum theory.


Filed under Homework Help, Physics.

Higgs Boson

Higgs boson is the elusive elementary particle, in which search a lot of physicist are engaged for several decades.


Bosons are elementary particles, which according to the atomic system of units, have integer spin, i.e., the angular impulse of elementary particles. The particles are called bosons to honor Indian physicist Bose, who owns the statistics for such particles, called the Bose-Einstein statistics. According to these statistics, one quantum state can contain an unlimited number of identical particles. Since the bosons have the ability to transfer interaction, they are sometimes in English literature termed as the field.


Filed under Homework Help, Physics.

Cloud Computing in Economics

What is “cloud computing”?


It is the concept, according to which the programs run and produce results of operation to the window of a standard web browser on your PC, with all applications and data needed for operation are on a remote server on the Internet. In other words, cloud computing is a software and hardware available to the user via the Internet (or LAN) as a service, allowing the use of convenient web-based interface for remote access to selected resources (computational resources, programs and data).


Filed under Homework Help, Programming.

Spin Hall Effect

In 2006, the group of Californian theoretical physicists has made an interesting prediction, according to which “sandwich” of the semiconductors with a thin layer of mercury telluride (HgTe) in the middle the electrons will behave in a very unusual way, showing the spin Hall effect. In 2007 the corresponding sandwich was made by ​​experimental physicists from Germany. And they find in it exactly what was predicted by their counterparts from California.



Filed under Homework Help, Physics.

Is the Procrastination the plague of the 21st century?

How often do you before the pass of an important project, exam, conversation with your parents or visit to the dentist (when the tooth is aching) find a host of other, more ordinary occupations, that are absolutely not related to the main case? And each list of such cases and the situation are quite different and may contain quite a lot of points. And even if you have this list with just one item, it still interferes with normal life. What should you do? To deal with this unpleasant phenomenon.



Filed under Homework Help.

Social Networks in Education

Internet plays a progressively greater role in human life. Now it is difficult to imagine a person who has not heard of such things as “search engine”, “site” or “Web Page”. Every year the number of Internet users is increasing. Normal viewing of static text and multimedia in the browser is no longer satisfied people: such sites, where visitors can interact with other visitors by means of this site gradually enter into the fashion.

Social Network is an interactive multi-user site, the content of which is filled by the members of the network. The site is an automated social environment that allows group of users united by a common interest to communicate with each other.



Filed under Homework Help, Physics.