
How to Write a Great History Essay

history essay writing

One of the most common cliches ever used is that “you learn from your mistakes.” This rings true of almost everything, as it can be used as a teaching point for yourself and others. Some also view History as a crucial subject taught in schools, mostly because of this very idea. History is an evaluation of our past and helps us understand our society today that we live in and how it came to be. (more…)

Filed under History.

How to Avoid Plagiarism in your Essay

How to avoid plagiarism

When it comes to writing essays, students find them to be the most daunting task and also the most time consuming. These essays usually weigh heavy on their grades, so they are important to complete with a good mark. Essays are meant to showcase what you have learned and to test your critical thinking skills. You develop your own idea and transform and explain it all the way through to the end, hoping that your reader understood your ideas. (more…)

Filed under English.

How to Develop Self Management Skills

Self management skills

As students grow older, the sense of responsibility grows. Gone are the worry-free days, where all you were concerned about was what food you’ll have for lunch at school the next day, or whether your parents would let you stay over your friends house over the weekend. It’s hard growing up and going off to college for higher education. (more…)

Filed under College Life.

Is Programming Really Boring?

Programming boring

One rule of life that is almost universal is this: everything in moderation. Too much of one thing is a bad thing, so it’s best to varietize or take a break from some things. Computer programming is one of those things which requires a lot of time and effort spent on it, and sometimes if you do it too much without breaks, it results in a burnout. It starts to lose its appeal and becomes dull and mundane and even a chore. (more…)

Filed under Programming.

Writing with APA and MLA: What’s the Best?


Once you reach college or university, the level of writing that is expected from you should be quite high. They sometimes teach you this in high-school or junior high, but at a very basic level.  Your professors will demand that your paper be written in a certain format, and your brain might be hurting on figuring out what exactly that means. (more…)

Filed under English, Writing.

Top 10 Tips to Get the Most Out of Online Courses

online courses

Trying new things is intimidating, and changing the way you’ve normally done things can be uncomfortable. You’ve probably experienced such a shift in your life during this global pandemic of Covid-19. The lives we knew before the outbreak have changed in several ways, from social interactions, everyday activities, travel, and even education. To maintain a safe space, society has altered the way we live with social distancing and hygienic practices like washing your hands and wearing a mask. (more…)

Filed under Education.

What will Summer 2020 Look Like for Students?

Summer 2020 look like

As the summer months approach and the weather is getting warmer and warmer, a looming question about student’s holidays hangs over our heads. No, it’s not the question of “what are you summer plans” but rather the question of “when will things go back to normal?” People are just starting to get used to distance learning and online education platforms and schools and other educational institutions have not made the move to open schools just yet. (more…)

Filed under College Life.