

TOEFL as the Test of English Proficiency


Knowledge of English is necessary today almost for everyone – students and travelers, corporate leaders and subordinates. The reason is that the development of transport infrastructure makes people gradually cosmopolitan, who often travel to other countries, talking to residents from other continents. And if to learn all languages ​​is not possible, in order to be able to communicate with foreigners, knowledge of English as a language of international communication is enough.


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Student Exchange – How to Get to Europe or the USA?

Today higher education is an indicator of the potential of human culture level. Therefore, entering the college and productive qualitative study are the important stages in the development of professionalism. Of course, the current research base can provide students with all the necessary knowledge that will enable them to find in the future, a good paying job.

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Filed under Education.

The Pros and Cons of Using E-textbooks

The Internet is the world’s largest library.  It’s just that all the books are on the floor.

John Allen Paulos

Modern education involves the use of various forms and methods of the educational process. One of the interesting areas of modern educational science is the use of electronic textbooks. Usually electronic textbook is a set of training, supervising, modeling and other programs that are placed on electronic media, which reflects the basic scientific content of subject discipline.

downlaod the e-book (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Why Do We Need Higher Education?

Higher education has always been considered as necessary attribute of an intelligent person who pretends to a worthy place in society, respect and honor. Moreover, anyone ever wonders how the education was received, in what area, with what marks and whether it influenced in general the intellectual of people. The presence of the paper and line in resume immediately changed status.



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The Recreation and Training in an International Youth Camp

Boring lessons are able only to make think about hate to those, who held them, and also to the subject of teaching.

Jean-Jacque Rousseau

Educational business today dynamically and successfully develops in the world, as an opportunity to find a good job with high salary and career prospects depends on the education. Modern employers pay attention not only to a diploma of higher education, but also to other lines in the CV, preferring well-rounded, prepared in several directions and spoken at least one foreign language specialists.



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Privileges for Students

Almost in all countries pupils and students are privileged categories of citizens who can receive various discounts and benefits. Especially great benefits are available to students in developed countries – discounts for rooms in hotels and for travel, meals and entrance tickets for exhibitions, theaters, museums, etc. Knowing about their rights and available benefits, the student can successfully use them, saving money.

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Filed under Homework Help.

To Use or Not to Use: The Necessity of Tests in Education

1Modern methods of education should not only be based on modern scientific achievements, but also to be workable, i.e. in order to improve its performance recent developments of industrial technology must be used.

Such achievement is undoubtedly the production of quite cheap and affordable personal computers, which enable the use of other, equally important, element of modern learning technology – a test as a tool of measuring the level of knowledge and difficulty of tasks, because without such a tool to manage the learning process, especially in the technology version, is quite impossible.

The task of the teacher in modern teaching technologies is not only to held lectures and practical, hands-on labs, but to organize the students workplaces, to create methodical support of educational process and to do systematic monitoring of students’ independent work and the results of made pedagogical work in general. In other words, the task of the teacher is to create conditions for a motivated individual work of students and to consult them on different questions. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.