

Homeschooling: Is It Worth to be Tried?

“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self-control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.”

David O. McKay

But what about the other lessons – math, literature, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.? Could they be taught without visiting a school? Statistics say about the growing popularity of homeschooling. Most often, the parents transferred their children to homeschooling, being dissatisfied with the level of education, which is given the child at school, to protect the child from physical and mental abuse at school, not wanting to let the strangers to educate children and deciding to bear full responsibility for the upbringing and education of their child.



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How to Use E-Libraries in Education Effectively

Information technologies have been quite firmly established in the people lives of all ages, social status, nationality, gender, etc. Regardless of whether a person wants to take up the latest technologies or prefer conservatism, the modern world left him little choice – to take an active part in public life, study or work, you need to at least be able to use some of the technical tools to search for information in Internet and possess other skills.

Over recent years, e-libraries get more and more popularity and importance for anyone who is interested in or looking for books. These libraries have many advantages over conventional – any user can for a few seconds find the right publication, regardless of his/her location, time of day it is required for him/her, etc.


Filed under Homework Help.

Free Education in European Universities

European education has always been valued highly. Today, the European Diploma of higher education institution can give graduates the opportunity to find a high-paying job, be a great specialist and gain invaluable knowledge and experience. Also the option, when foreign students after graduation stay to live in one of the EU countries, is relevant, which would have been impossible under normal conditions. One way or another, but the admission into the European higher education institution is seen by many foreign students as a good platform for the career development and whole life. But not all can pay for education in a foreign university, so students are looking for different ways to reduce training costs.



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Self-Education: Modern Opportunities for Those Who Want to Learn

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

Jim Rohn

Due to the rapid development of information technology, the emergence of the Internet and access to the unlimited flow of information and data, people today have a variety of options in order to continuously improve their own development, not to stop, but to get new knowledge and skills.



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Higher Education in China

One of the main differences of the XXI century from XX century is that with the development of high technology, including the Internet, the world is open and available to almost everyone, more and more people feel cosmopolitan.



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Endangered Professions

To become an able and successful man in any profession,

three things are necessary: nature, study and practice.

Henry Ward Beecher

The modern world is constantly changing and evolving, causing changes in all spheres of human activity. If earlier surrounding reality was changing very slowly for decades and did not require constant human adjustment, now many things are disappearing, giving way to other technologies and innovations just in a few years.

The information technology has very great influence on professions. So, because of the technology development, the advent of computers and the Internet, many professions are completely irrelevant, and therefore entire departments are eliminated and various aspects of training specialists are removed.

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How to Become a Student of Harvard?

John Adams, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush, the current president – Barack Obama, David Rockefeller, Matt Damon, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Ballmer, Natalie Portman and others. What does unite these totally different people – presidents, businessmen, scientists, film, television, sports and music stars from around the world? As well as 49 Nobel Prize winners and 36 Pulitzer Prize winners? They all can say with pride that graduated from Harvard!

Harvard for centuries is one of the best universities of the world and provides students with not only first-class education, but also with the opportunity to establish friendly relations with the “golden youth” of America. Each year, the Admissions Committee at Harvard is sent about 28,000 applications for 2,000 places available. Each application is reviewed by two Harvard professors who independently evaluate potential candidate. Harvard diploma is not just a pledge of good knowledge and a good education, it is almost a pass in any sphere of activity and at any position.

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