
All I’m saying is a lie


The original (ancient) formulation arises from the story about how Epimenides, a native of the island of Crete, in the heat of an argument said: “All Cretans are liars”. And he heard the objection: “But you yourself are Cretan! So are you lying or not?”

If we assume that Epimenides was telling the truth, then it turns out that he like all the Cretans is a liar. Therefore he lied. If he lied, then it turns out that he, like all the Cretans, is not a liar. Then he told the truth.


Filed under Math.

What happens when you hit a magnet with a hammer?


You may haven’t known that but all materials in the world reveal some magnetic properties, so one can classify any media by the behavior in the external magnetic field.

Here you can see a typical scheme of the field created by a permanent rod-shaped magnet. Black lines (called magnetic force lines) show the direction of the field in space. The density of lines represents the strength of the field. The denser the lines – the stronger the field. By agreement the direction of the magnetic field outside magnet is chosen to be from the north pole to the south pole. To be honest poles are just a way of saying that a field has a certain direction, in fact there are no poles of course.

what happens if you hit a magnet with a hummer


Filed under News, Physics.

The Singapore Miracle – Eugenics for the Human Life

Prior to 1965, Singapore was one of the poorest countries in the Third World. The city-state without any natural resources, forced to bring in fresh water, and the only wealth of which was a hard-working population. In a short period of time, Singaporeans have created an economic miracle, and the country of underdeveloped and economically backward states has turned into a flourishing state. “How did they do it” – you ask? And do not believe the answer. Remember the words of Michurin: “We cannot wait for favors from nature, take them from it is our task”, – possibly someone of the leaders of this state was also familiar with the works of Russian biologist and breeder, and one day decided to treat his words in a new way.


Filed under Education.

Theory of Origin of Asymmetry

In the study of the origin of left-handedness three main areas have been identified: the ‘genetic”, “cultural” and “pathological”.

Since 1871, when a high frequency of family left-handedness among left-handed subjects was found the model of genetic determination of left-handedness is discussed. Currently, two genetic models are the most widely used. According to Ms. Annett, the asymmetry of the brain is determined by the presence of a single gene, which was named by her the “right shift” factor. If this factor is the individual, the latter is prone to be right-handed. If the factor is absent, the person can be either left-handed or right-handed depending on the random circumstances. However, a greater importance is given to brain damage in the prenatal and early postnatal period, which may affect the phenotypic implisicity of “right shift” factor. (more…)

Filed under Education.

How to Learn Something New in Minimal Time? Webinars

The education system as it currently exists – is a classic example of the past … Of course, we all sometimes desire to be a graduate of a prestigious university, preferably with a hundred years of history. Prestigious, expensive … and not very effective. Time goes by fast, knowledge becomes obsolete, and there is a constant need to learn something new – to complete education, to be retrained.

Distance education should not be considered in general – on this subject there has been written many articles and other things. Let’s talk about the “small forms” of a new education architecture – the webinars. Especially, they perfectly complement the classical education, helping to make up for lost time and just learn something new. (more…)

Filed under Education.

Student Guinness Records

Directory of World Records, created by Sir Hugh Beaver, in 1955, commissioned by the Irish brewer Guinness, originally was planned as a serious publication. Most of the articles in the Guinness Book of Records were scientific, not given the fact of provision in a simplified way, but over time far from science humorous facts were started to be included into the Book.

The target audience of early editions of Guinness Book of Records was habitues of pubs, quite often because of disputes due to drunken fights. To resolve disputes on “Who is better?” peacefully was Book’s calling.

1  (more…)

Filed under Education.

Educational Kinesiology: Is It Possible to “optimize” Work of Brain?

I have a theory about the human mind.

A brain is a lot like a computer.

It will only take so many facts, and then

it will go on overload and blow up.

Erma Bombeck


There are children who are not able to make a basic action – catch the ball, reach the left ear by right hand, etc. Often you can see how a man brings cell phone by his left hand to his right ear or vice versa – the right to the left.

The obvious connection of the body and the brain has received a scientific explanation only in the middle of the XX century in studies of American scientist Paul Dennison. (more…)

Filed under Education.