

Top-10 of Perspective USA Universities

American Business Weekly “BusinessWeek” published a list of universities in the U.S., whose graduates earn the most. The rankings take into account the average starting salary of graduates of these institutions, the average salary and the maximum income of “former students”.

Yale University

Top Income: $ 326,000

Average salary: $ 126,000

Average starting salary: $ 59.100

Education of 34,530 U.S. dollars

Yale University, whose history goes back to the beginning of three centuries, is considered as one of the most prestigious not only in the U.S. but around the world. Yale University is the forge of American elite, which has learned many prominent figures in science, art and politics. Yale was graduated with Samuel Morse (inventor of Morse code), a child psychologist Benjamin Spock (the books which are still studied by modern child psychologists), writer Sinclair Lewis, economist George Akerlof, President of “Pepsi” Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of “Boeing” James McNerney, Richard Cheney, John Kerry (rival of George W. Bush in the 2004 election), Hillary Clinton. The list is long. It is enough to say that all U.S. presidents since 1989, graduated from Yale.


Filed under Homework Help.

Modern Education: Is There Only Truth?

XXI century is the age of information. Education here is the main criterion. Higher education is fashionable, prestigious, and profitable. To be higher educated means to keep up with the times.

As technology improves the system of tourist business, medicine, the media and other areas of human activity, certainly the education system is improved. Consequently, we are improving!


Filed under Homework Help.

Myths about the Work

Myths about the Work

Sometimes, on the way of building a career there are plenty of obstacles. It is not always enough to get an education, gain solid work experience or be non-contentious person. Each new team is a new “family”, which has its own unwritten rules. To be able to become a part of this “family”, to prevent a lot of mistakes, you just have to believe in yourself and do not believe in silly myths about work.

What is the quickest way to reach the top of the pyramid career?

1. If you leave the workplace later than others – you will get the promotion sooner

Generally, people believe that leaving work last, they will attract the attention of the management as executive and hardworking employees. However, such behavior is only a suspicion that employees do not have time to perform the necessary amount of work during the day, and therefore are late. Accordingly, there are doubts about their competence and abilities. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to stay longer on the job, but do not do it every day.


Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Perfect Teacher through Students’ Eyes

Ask any student, what teachers train them and you will hear many complaints: lectures are boring, low marks are put; their explanations are incomprehensible, etc. But among all the other teachers the student will play favorites to the one teacher who in his eyes is the perfect, because he was able to win the respect and confidence. But the problem is that such teachers are rare samples. What features should have a perfect teacher through the student’s eyes? Let’s see, what is prized above all else.


Filed under Homework Help.

Career without a Higher Education: Myth or Reality?

The phrase “higher education is required” in almost every vacancy announcement, unless it is a question of working careers. But does this mean that without higher education, you should forget about a career? After all, in fact, often a year of work experience is more than five years of sitting at lectures.


Filed under Education.

The Effectiveness of Innovative Technologies in Education

The educational process never stands still and is gradually transformed by the emergence of new information technologies, teaching materials, items, the implementation necessity of which dictates the time itself and requirements of modern society. Innovative technology and design can greatly facilitate the work of teachers, students’ education and monitoring for academic progress of children by their parents.


Filed under Education.

Business Trainings: Why are They so Vital?

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.

Steve Jobs

Every person makes mistakes – that is not an invention, but a lot of people conclude that they try to improve. Business requires continuous changes. So over the past few years, the world has undergone a fundamental change – new hardware, substantially developed information technology, society has turned from an industrial to the informational. This has greatly affected all sectors – education, business, economics, etc. Especially new trends in business, where success can be achieved only by confident staff who can work in a team and at the same time to make decisions independently, are clearly noticeable. Due to the new requirements of the market a business education is very up-to-date, the basic form of which is business training.


Filed under Education.