“Creativity – it means to dig deeper, to watch better, to dive into the depths, to pass through walls, to light the sun, to build a castle in the sand, to welcome the future”.
Paul Torrance
“Creativity – it means to dig deeper, to watch better, to dive into the depths, to pass through walls, to light the sun, to build a castle in the sand, to welcome the future”.
Paul Torrance
“Formal education will make you a living;
self-education will make you a fortune.
Jim Rohn
Speaking about education, the first thing that comes to mind is pedagogy. However, today conversations about education mean adults’ training. Studies conducted by Knowles showed that teaching methods are not effective in learning such category of “students”. Therefore, speaking of adults’ training the new concept of “andragogy” is now often possible to be heard.
I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.
As you know, the lesson is the form of implementation of pedagogical interactions, where the student-teacher communication takes place. According to the results of lessons pedagogical skills of the teacher and the qualifications of the student are judged. Therefore the lesson is a card of each teacher. Each lesson is a complex system, all components are connected, and it is a holistic educational process. During a lesson the knowledge and boredom, captured thoughts and dangerous idleness of students can appear every minute. The value and significance of these minutes, hours, days, and years in the life of a teacher is determined by modern lesson.
The most efficient way to produce anything is to bring together under one management as many as possible of the activities needed to turn out the product.
Peter Drucker
At the present stage of education development, along with the traditional methods and techniques on-line training becomes increasingly popular. In the context of on-line learning the technology of interactive lectures, providing for the creation of “focus groups”, design technology, training, etc. One such technology is called CASE STUDY.
Case teaching method was originated in the Harvard Business School in the early XX century. In 1920 after the publication of the cases collection, the whole system of management training at the Harvard School was transferred to the methodology of CASE STUDY. In recent years, case-teaching methods are widely used in medicine, law, mathematics, cultural studies, political science, economics and business education.
Do you always have an accurate and complete answer to the question in the exam ticket? I think not. But, I doubt that you want to have a diploma with “D”. I will share with you by brainstorming method, but it is unconventional and applicable to students at the exam. This method was taught by my teacher of programming, as I was preparing for the professional test, but I use it again in other situations.
“Brainstorming” is one of the most popular methods to stimulate creativity. It helps to find the solution of complex problems through the application of special rules for the discussion. It is often used in organizations that require an unconventional approach and creativity. This method appeared in the United States in the late 30’s, and finally formed and became known for wide range of professionals with access to the book of A. Osborne “Applied Imagination” of 1953, in which the principles and procedures of creative thinking were revealed.
Dear Reader!
I am pleased to become the person who has an opportunity to assist you in writing business letters. The fate of the request (the problem, suggestion) set out in a business letter, largely depends on how and what it says. At first glance on the text the Receiver will have the opinion about the author and how seriously the relation to business letter should be – whether read it on and how to react to it? By its nature and content letters can be very different, but the key rules for writing business letters and examples are the same for everyone. Often successfully drafted appeal to potential partners in itself brings a good profit. Here are a few simple rules.
It has long been known that slack and lazy people get tired much more than fit and motivated ones. It is also known that the effectiveness of an organized people is much higher. They are more satisfied with their work. As modern life requires ever greater achievements, and we are in a constant hurry, drowning in a flood of information, in such circumstances, the person is hard to focus, so that his/her efficiency drops. The person seemed torn apart and forced to solve several problems at once. He/she acts chaotically and disorganized, so even making a little effort, rarely succeeds and is disappointed in own life.