A British-born American theoretical physicist and mathematician, famous for his work in quantum electrodynamics, solid-state physics, astronomy and nuclear engineering Freeman Dyson thinks about “the PhD system is the real root of the evil of academic snobbery. People who have PhDs consider themselves priesthood, and inventors generally don’t have PhDs”.
Globalization of Modern Education
Accordingly, globalization is not only something that will concern and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present and to which we must first open our eyes.
Ulrich Beck (German sociologist)
Globalization is seen as a process of international, economic, political and cultural integration. Cultural globalization is characterized by convergence of business and consumer culture between different countries, the widespread use of foreign languages (especially English) for international communication, the growth of international tourism, the growth of the Internet use, became not only a universal means of communication, but an increasingly recognized tool for teaching and scientific activities. It is clear that education cannot stand aside from the overall integration, standardization and convergence between the different countries of the world. Here the word “global” defines the main purpose of the educational system to train highly skilled professionals to solve the world’s problems.
Postgraduate Education – the Next Step in Study
As for any postgraduate study, you need to be really motivated in doing that extra reading and not just sticking to texts suggested for class discussion. Compared to the workload of a Cambridge History BA the compulsory workload may seem light. When it comes to dissertation however, you will wish that you had put more effort into reading around the subject!
London – Courtauld Institute of Art
Postgraduate education is designed to improve personal academic talents. This is a great way to apply gained knowledge and create a name in science. Sciences can be different: biological, medical, physical, or chemical engineering or veterinary – many branches of science, where the PhD is available.
Individualization of Teaching: What are the advantages?
The modern term of “individualization of teaching” is actively used today by pedagogical community. At the same time, how often does the teacher really use techniques and methods of individualization, and most importantly, how effectively does he use this tool? Let’s try to understand.
Pedagogical Growth School
Each educational institution has its own system of teaching staff. Somewhere this work is clearly regulated, somewhere is fragmentary. The pedagogical growth school includes seminars, workshops, lectures and case studies that share a common goal – the development of teaching skills and abilities of the teacher.
Bilingual Education
Education is only a ladder to gather fruit from the tree of knowledge, not the fruit itself.
Albert Einstein
Recently, there are more and more talks about bilingual education.
Interactive Techniques during the Lesson
Let’s start with the fact that the adjective “interactive” is now used quite extensively. This is a trend of time, which is great-proven. The key word in the explanation of the term is involvement. With regard to education, we can clearly identify a place of interactive components – that is involvement of students into training and learning process. In fact, this method does not have something new. These active techniques were used by teachers of different schools and generations. But it is spoken today, because an interactivity of lesson became its qualitative characteristic and one of the most effective means to achieve learning goals.