
Write an essay? Easy!


Hello and welcome to Writing Tips! Make yourself a cuppa and join our today’s brainstorm concerning types of essays. Bet, you’ve written at least one essay in you life or tried to (those about summer holidays count). At this rate you definitely know that each essay has its unique qualities and structure. This is why we’ve composed an essay about essays gathering all known (and probably unknown) types into one article. Let us start defining essay itself to find out why teachers give us such writing home assignments. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, Writing.

Run or Walk in the rain? How do you stay drier?

Run or walk through rain?

Imagine you walk down the street without an umbrella and suddenly the rain starts. You are empty-handed and don’t have a raincoat while the rain intensifies. What are you supposed to do? What’s the best strategy – to run, to walk, or standing in the rain gives the same result and there’s no need to hurry?

Majority of people immediately answer: RUN! Find the closest shed as quick as possible. The simple truth it seems to be. However, some will venture to disagree saying that there’s no need to run as they would catch more raindrops than during a simple walk. (more…)

Filed under Math, Physics.

How to minimize homework stress?

No homework stress

Researchers have found out that homework overloads can lead to serious health disorders, lack of balance and even alienation from social activities. “Our findings on the effects of homework challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good,” wrote Denise Pope, a senior lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. According to the recent data, up to 56 percent of the students considered homework as primary source of stress, in contrast to 43% naming tests as a primary stressor. Thus, homework, despite it’s supposed to be done at home or library with ability to use everything up to your friends’ copybook, is more stressful than tests! That’s definitely something to think about! That’s why a growing number of schools across the US are banning after-school assignments to lessen stress on students and their families.  (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Healthy Wealthy Brain

Once Russian field marshal Suvorov advised his soldiers to “keep their feet in warmth but head – in cold”. However, we tend to treat this quote skeptically and put on warm hats with ear-flaps in chilly weather. In fact, head takes on average 8.86% of body’s surface and 20.2% of convective heat loss. Blood vessels’ location and thermal-physical properties (an uneven surface of face) explain this high heat exchange and make us feel cold even in the warmest clothes. Nevertheless, the question is how to protect our heads from cold.

In 1980’s scientists worldwide made a paradoxic discovery: the head doesn’t need enhanced thermal isolation. Even the cloth cap can become a reliable barrier on the way of heat transfer. This outcome fuels useful practical recommendations: headwear should be appropriate to particular weather conditions, and not too warm at the same time. “Hot hat” is: (more…)

Filed under Biology.

What is Cryptography?

what is cryptographyDo you think this is just a bunch of meaningless numbers or something more? 9 \: 27 \: 12 \: 15 \: 22 \: 5 \: 27 \: 19 \: 3 \: 9 \: 5 \: 14 \: 3 \: 5 Later we’ll give you the answer. But before let’s talk about cryptography. Do you know what’s that? We’ll start with a bit of history. Cryptography is the science of secret writing. Its name comes from the Greek words Kryptos, meaning hidden, and graphene, which means writing. By the way, there is also steganography – the science and art of writing hidden messages. Don’t mix them up, though. Steganography and cryptography are not the same. Cryptography is the science of codes and ciphers. Steganography is the science of secure data transmission through the secrecy of the very fact of the transfer. (more…)

Filed under Programming.

Homework excuses that make your teacher believe

Homework excuses

We are all aware that students are very busy people having little time to spare, even less for doing boring homework tasks. Moreover, as we have already mentioned, teachers often assign way too much leaving thus no way possible to do it all, if you are not a genius, or at least a nerd. So what to do? No one wishes to receive unsatisfactory grades. The only way out is to come up with a plausible excuse and spare yourself of performing homework or at least postpone it until better times. By the way, if you by accident decided to do the homework, check our tips how to save time and do it faster and better. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

OK! Is it really OK?

OK all correct We need your attention. Can you concentrate on your speech from now on and count each time you say ‘OK’ during the day? Let it be our small experiment. The result will overcome your expectations. For many of us ‘OK’ is a universal answer and the most frequently used word. ‘OK’ has become a borrowing to dozens of languages while in English it functions as an adjective (“Is it okay not to do homework?”), adverb (“Did you sleep okay?”), noun (“Have you got your OK from Mom?”), and even verb (“She okayed to meet with me”). OK, but have you ever thought of its etymology?   (more…)

Filed under History, Writing.