

Higher Education of Italy

You may have the universe if I may have Italy

Giuseppe Verdi

Italy, the country of art, high culture and good taste, for quite a long time, attracts pupils and students from other states. Education in one of the Italian universities is the ultimate dream for many. Italy is one of the four countries (along with France, Britain and Germany), who first proposed the creation of a so-called European Higher Education Area, as appropriate declaration was signed in May 1998 at the Sorbonne. From that moment the process of pan-European harmonization of the different systems of education began, and a year later in Bologna the decision to participate in it has already been signed by 29 states.


Italian universities are attractive to students of many countries, and this is understandable: in addition to the fact that this land is the cradle of ancient civilizations, the world famous art treasures in its architecture, painting, sculpture, writings and discoveries of musicians, artists, poets, sailors, scholars such as Raphael, Michelangelo, Giuseppe Verdi, Christopher Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, Antonio Meucci, Guglielmo Marconi … In Italy much attention is paid to scientific research, as in common scientific and applied in a variety of areas (biology, physics, medicine, information technology, etc.). (more…)

Filed under Education.

How to Learn to Memorize?

Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

To stimulate interest to learning, for productive perception of any information it is very important to memorize it. This can be learned. Use several simple steps to learn how to memorize any information. (more…)

Filed under Education, Homework Help.

How to Improve Literacy in the Speech?

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read

Mark Twain

A cultured person is always easy to separate from the crowd, because his features are decent behavior, well-groomed appearance, and competent speech. As for the latter, it is important to say that more and more people in conversations build sentences in wrong way, mangle words, and use obscene language. Moreover, dealing with such people, people with the correct speech over time lose their skills. To prevent this, the tireless work on yourself must be performed. (more…)

Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Full-time or Part-time Form of Education?

Soon schools will start the final exams, graduation marks and the graduates and their parents face the question of what to do next. Many choose to go to college to pursue higher education, occupation. Which form is better to choose? In order to make the right choice, the applicant should know the basic differences between full-time and part-time courses, their pros and cons.


As students say, those who do not study in full-time education do not know all the charms of student life. (more…)

Filed under Education, Homework Help.

The Most Expensive Courses

Etiquette is the ceremonial code of polite life, more voluminous and minute in each portion of society according to its rank.

John Ramsay McCulloch

True ladies and gentlemen should be able to find a way out of all the situations, in which a person may be, follow the rules of good manners and always look perfect. They have to know the rules of etiquette. And what is the purpose of the rules of conduct and knowledge of etiquette? People should not trouble each other, disturb, launch an offensive to each other and discombobulate each other. The person should be able to respect him and others. Therefore, every parent tries to instill to own child the well-bred behavior, and some even give them away to a special school for young ladies and gentlemen. One of the best such schools is in the UK.



Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Marks or Knowledge?

Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.

Peter F. Drucker


1Any person’s work shall be rewarded. Training at school for a child is his first step of work with the stipulated compensation – evaluation. And the better the child copes with his “work responsibilities”, the higher the score. The mark is not only a fair reward, but sadly also “a stick in the wheels”.

Studies on science and humanities provide conscientious attitude of students to the process of acquiring knowledge. (more…)

Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Business Modeling at the Lesson or Business Activities in the Learning Process

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

Phil Jackson

Business games are still exotic in the educational process. Perhaps only specialized classes practice their use, and this becomes a great base for nurturing young entrepreneurs. Of course, the students will not soon apply their knowledge and developments in practice, but today a school that is inextricably linked with the realities and social changes can and should help the student to know what business is and what its role in society is. No need to be a student of the elite business class or be engaged in special courses to try yourself at business games and business simulations. There are several options for implementing business lessons in the school process.


Filed under Education, Homework Help.