
Using Gamma Function to Simplify Integration

Using Gamma Function to Simplify Integration

Evaluation of integrals is sometimes a very complicated procedure, especially when we’re dealing with so called improper integrals. You can face this kind of tasks in integral calculus courses. Gamma and beta functions, or so called Euler integrals, allow to simplify evaluation of integrals for specially constructed functions. In fact, sometimes it’s possible to transform initial integral so that it’s reduced to calculation of gamma or beta function or both. Let’s consider an example. (more…)

Filed under Math.

How Childhood Memories Fade away?

How childhood memories fade away

Do you know why having learnt how to tie shoelaces at the age of 2 we remember it for a lifetime, but we cannot recall our second birthday or other events of this time period? This happens due to the phenomenon called childhood amnesia and that’s the topic of this article. (more…)

Filed under Biology.

Motivation to Do Homework

Homework motivationCan you say that you like doing homework? Often loads of homework cause sleep disorders, family problems and low grades. Yet working on your own and reviewing material discussed in class is an important part of study process. Basically, you need to do homework to succeed in life. That’s true for most people, leaving out maybe Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and a few others. Moreover, they’ve also done lots of things that can be called homework, yet this wasn’t teaches’ assignments, they set tasks for themselves. Motivation for homework is something related to motivation for study and learning in general. Of course, that’s not always the case, some tasks you just need to accomplish to pass the necessary tests. This or that way, homework needs to be done. Not all of it, but the important portion is awaiting for you. So how to pull yourself together and get it done?

Some people get motivated when they’re overloaded with work, they feel like accepting the challenge and perform tenfold. Rare case, though. Basically, to get yourself motivated for doing homework we need to: ease the process, make it more interesting. So let’s get started. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Best last minute costumes for Halloween

Are you ready for Halloween?When modern students think of Halloween, they associate it with trick-or-treating, parties, bobbing for apples, and, but of course, costumes. The USA alone spends $2.5 billion on costumes annually. And it is logical: the more elaborated and scary your costume is, the more compliments and treats (money? fame?) you get. However, there is a range of costume problems for students these days. They a) find outfit expensive; b) consider some of costumes to be oldschool; c) have no time to think it over and to create a real monstrous suit. We’ll venture to offer you tips on how to get your extraordinary costume quickly, and wallet-friendly. Let ‘s begin. (more…)

Filed under College Life, News.

What is the most precise clock in the world?

Most precise clock in the world

We cannot imagine a life of a common individual without such a wise device as clock. Yes, you can object, that  not everyone wears watches these days. Yet everyone owns mobile or smartphone, and one surely has a clock! In fact, the need in time measurement appeared ages ago. Naturally, the question arises: what’s the most precise clock? To answer this, at first we need to understand what it means to measure. In fact, we simply compare one quantity to another, which is called the unit of measurement. The standard measures of time are likely to be based on constant periodical processes of high accuracy. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

Intersection of two lines

Lines on a plane

One of common tasks in algebra homework is to solve a system of two linear equations. Along with other methods, we can do it graphically. This section is devoted to intersection of two straight lines on a plane. In other words, let’s talk about solving a system of two linear equations. As we discussed earlier, a straight line on a plane is described by the following equation:


This equation sets a certain dependence between coordinates $x$ and $y$ of the point lying on this line. So, if we want to discuss intersection of two lines, we’ll have to deal with two equations of such kind.

Consider the following system:

\left\{ \begin{aligned}y=2x+3\\x-2y=0 \end{aligned}\right. (more…)

Filed under Math.

Do your homework with us! Safe? Yes!

Do your homework with us! Safe? Yes!

Number of reports of students, parents and teachers about homework overload in media and social networks are fascinating these days. On one hand, assignments get more and more complicated and often require more time than you can possibly spare. On the other, often students have a lot on their plate, forced to work for leaving, babysitting or whatever else. And at the end they’re in between, struggling to complete all the homework and at the same time making the ends meet at other activities. Possible outcomes are not pleasing: academic failure, poor progress, lack of time, nervous breakdown, arguments with parents/friends, etc. (underline as appropriate). What’s the way out? The answer is simple enough: you need to find someone who can do you homework for you. Sounds great, yet that’s again easier said than done. You need the result, and at the same time how to be sure that you won’t waste your money and get proper work? (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.