This article will help to learn whether typological features of the display of the nervous system properties and the temperament have an impact on the success of educational activities, which styles of learning activities students use, what pedagogical strategies are more advantageous for students with different typological features, which styles of activity and communication teachers with different typological features use.
GeekHub – a New Format for the Knowledge Exchange in IT Field
GeekHub is a social project (community / movement / courses), which aims at free education of young people with practical knowledge in the field of IT for the specialty. Through this event, young people acquire practical skills, which are so often lacking after receiving academic education. Specialized education is not required – you need only general skills in IT and a strong desire to acquire new knowledge. Successful completion of the course means that graduates can apply as a junior developer at any company, where they can start their career as a real IT-person. (more…)
“Summerhill” Free School. What can you learn?
“Summerhill” School has a lot of enemies and a lot of well-wishers. Founded in 1921, it has gone through a lot and is said to have “so far ahead of its time”. BBC shot a feature film about the school that left a few to impress. What are the principles of this school?
“The purpose of the child is to live his/her own life. Not the one about the dream of his/her troubled parents, and not the one that a teacher offers while he/she thinks that knows better”. These are the words of Alexander Sutherland Neill, the founder of the “Summerhill” School, the school based on democracy and freedom.
Peculiarities of Higher Education in Switzerland
Switzerland is one of the richest and most well-resourced countries in the world. It is a country famous for its amazing architectural buildings, banks, clocks, crystal clear water, and the most delicate cheese and a delicious chocolate. This country boasts not only for the high standard of living, but also for its highly developed education. People from all over the world come there “to gnaw granite of science”. The system of higher education in Switzerland, which has given the world more than a dozen Nobel laureates and millions of excellent professionals, is especially notable.
All I’m saying is a lie
The original (ancient) formulation arises from the story about how Epimenides, a native of the island of Crete, in the heat of an argument said: “All Cretans are liars”. And he heard the objection: “But you yourself are Cretan! So are you lying or not?”
If we assume that Epimenides was telling the truth, then it turns out that he like all the Cretans is a liar. Therefore he lied. If he lied, then it turns out that he, like all the Cretans, is not a liar. Then he told the truth.
What happens when you hit a magnet with a hammer?
You may haven’t known that but all materials in the world reveal some magnetic properties, so one can classify any media by the behavior in the external magnetic field.
Here you can see a typical scheme of the field created by a permanent rod-shaped magnet. Black lines (called magnetic force lines) show the direction of the field in space. The density of lines represents the strength of the field. The denser the lines – the stronger the field. By agreement the direction of the magnetic field outside magnet is chosen to be from the north pole to the south pole. To be honest poles are just a way of saying that a field has a certain direction, in fact there are no poles of course.
The Singapore Miracle – Eugenics for the Human Life
Prior to 1965, Singapore was one of the poorest countries in the Third World. The city-state without any natural resources, forced to bring in fresh water, and the only wealth of which was a hard-working population. In a short period of time, Singaporeans have created an economic miracle, and the country of underdeveloped and economically backward states has turned into a flourishing state. “How did they do it” – you ask? And do not believe the answer. Remember the words of Michurin: “We cannot wait for favors from nature, take them from it is our task”, – possibly someone of the leaders of this state was also familiar with the works of Russian biologist and breeder, and one day decided to treat his words in a new way.